Disney's Utopian Community The concept of utopian community is a hot new commodity among big businesses. The Walt Disney Corporation is currently marketing its own community called Celebration. Disney, known for creating fantasy worlds through theme parks and films, faces reality. According to architect Robert AM Stern, the idea behind Celebration is to "recapture the idea of a traditional American city, traditional in spirit, but modern in terms of what we know about how people live" (Oilande 1 ). Additionally, the city is “structured around the five pillars of life in Celebration: community, education, health, technology, and place” (Oilande 2). Celebration uses this concept to create a special utopian vision. Despite the contradictions of artificiality, regulation and price, Celebration is a good utopian vision because it has a sense of community, an exceptional education system and a credible healthcare system. possible concern. “The city resembles a movie set with the nice, well-kept houses that look like facades” (Oilande 5). Disney is taking a community and turning it into a fantasy of the lost traditional suburb you'd see in "Leave it to Beaver" or "Pleasantville." As one visitor to the new community put it, "The moment you enter the Celebration property, the visual magic of Disney takes hold. White fences, reminiscent of Kentucky's Bluegrass Country, surround the property. Upon closer inspection they reveal themselves to be plastic. And from a distance, the preview center looks like a classic villa. It is not. Behind the door of the villa there is a prefab" (Wilson3). This ideal was created in a conference room at a corporate office somewhere and is...... in the middle of a sheet of paper......able: http://www.detnews.com/ EDITPAGE/SAT1028/CANTOR.html .Cottrell, Kenny. Celebration: frequently asked questions. Tuldp. Available: http://www.tudlp.org/celebfaq.html.Disney. Facts and figures about general celebrations. Available: http://www.primenet.com/~dbrady/oliande/celebfacts.html. February 1997.Hoffman, Derek. Review of Disney's Celebration. Available: http://mason.gmu.edu/~dhoffman/week4.htm. February 12, 1997. Lease, Daryl. Village Theme for Disney: The Wonderful World of Wal-Mart. The star of the free throw. Available: http://.starweb.infi.net/columns/lease/dl032396.htm. March 23, 1996.Oliande, Sylvia. A visit to the celebration. Available: http://www.primenet.com/~dbrady/oliande/celebration.html. March 9 and 10, 1997.Wilson, Craig. The celebration places Disney in the realm of reality. United States today. Available: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/usacelebration.html.