Moving to India"What", I stammered. "Yes, Neeraj, we will live in India", declared my mother. "But", I said. "No buts", she commanded my mom. “Go back upstairs and pack your suitcase with the necessary things, be grateful that we will have your Wii,” my mom said. My whole world turned upside down instantly. Living in India was the worst thing that could have happened to me. Hot and humid nights with constant mosquito nuisance, uhhhhh! The most horrible part is that if a student makes a mistake, the teacher has the authority to slap him. Then I sulked upstairs and put every single item in my room. Five hours later a voice announced: "Thank you for choosing Emirates, we will be leaving in ten minutes." At least I can watch a lot of movies because Emirates is famous for the number of movies a passenger can watch. This is probably the last time I'll watch a British animated film. After a couple of hours we landed in India, one of the busiest places I've ever seen. My aunt and cousin came to receive us at the airport. My aunt said “Hi Neeraj, welcome to India”. “So Neeraj, you will have fun in India, the US is so boring, right?” my cousin asked. We helped our parents load their bags and left to go to our aunt's house. As we drove there I saw old smelly sewers and it smelled terrible. I saw many street dogs and they looked fascinating because they were able to adapt to the harsh conditions of India. Dogs in the United States are quite delicate and sensitive. Citizens born in the United States have almost no chance to adapt to the conditions of India. "Mom, it's still half an hour and I really need to go to the bathroom", my cousin shouted with an urgent tone in his voice. "Uhhhhh......middle of paper......constraints of staying in India .I became closer to my grandparents because I understand more about them.Now I love India so much!...Well guess what,I moved back to the US branch of his company 'India has really changed me a lot and I bet I will never be the same again. Thanks to intense education and sports in India, even my accent is like Indian one Well, in my English class in a book c 'was quite an interesting quote that said, "The purpose of difficulties is not the goal but how much you have changed by attempting that goal." It's exactly like my life and my goal was to master the daily life of an Indian. if you move somewhere, don't worry and don't complain. You can learn a lot about the place you are moving to. So go out there and learn something.