Each of these has an extraordinary meaning, yet Wright brings out the truth that Easter has lost much of its importance. Easter is a wonderful holiday where many families come together and celebrate. Candy, Easter eggs, bunnies, gifts are all part of common Easter celebrations. This is certainly not a bad thing. But what is really celebrated during this holiday? I believe many people know the basic story of Jesus' resurrection, and know that this is why Easter exists, but it has lost its meaning due to excessive advertising and retailer corruption. By this I mean that the news spread the celebration of Easter to all people, non-Christian and Christian. However, this would not be bad, because by doing so non-believers do not realize the importance and meaning of Easter. The sole purpose of the news spread during this holiday is pure commercialism, to provide retailers with more ways to make profits. This is very corrupt. With everything that happens the direct effect is the loss of the meaning of Easter. In the book Wright brings out this truth. Explain how we must be “Easter people”. For me this means that we need to restore the meaning of Easter. Easter is the story of the resurrection of Christ. If this did not happen, Christianity would not exist. The resurrection is important for several reasons. It shows the magnificent power of God, foreshadows the resurrection of humans, and shows us that God has defeated Satan. Only briefly can we see how important this is. We must live as Easter people and celebrate it in a more profound and meaningful way. By doing so we strengthen our faith and also be a testimony to others. Talking about resurrection can be a very uplifting topic, on the contrary, death is usually not thought of in the same way