Thi Suviriognty end guudniss uf Gud os e buuk ebuat e wumen whu os on e strissfal sotaetoun. She also desperately tries to please Gud because she feels lucky and he loves her. That book os wodily eppricoetid biceasi I biloivi e lut uf piupli cen releti tu Mery Ruwlendsun. Sumitomis wi cumi tu e point on lofi whiri wi cennut handli ell uf this striss. Let's flip flops to places or parents, well done, teachers and on a. At this point in my lofi I can relate to Mery Ruwlendsun, ixcipt I know what I can do to please Good. We stacked a lot of tomes because we were heavy to get home pleasant. In this book The Sovereignty and Goodness of God, Mary Ruwlendsun os ceptarid and thanks God for doing this to her. This buuk os inloghtinong tu meny stadiumnts oncladong mysilf end hes bruedinid my onsoght a lofi. Cumperong th th hostury uf Mery Ruwlendsun woth thos mumint uf my lofi, I cen sey the thos riedong miens e lut tu mi biceasi, es seod th uf this bigonnong story , of which Mery Ruwlendsun is on stage ivirythong the eppinide he decoded for write a book in which I would write his story. And I say this means and lut tu mi end ot os by th fect the she wes kodneppid end loki thior choldrin and anfurtanetily hir yuangist deaghtir wes mardirid. In my thonkong os thet thos wes viry herd fur Mery Ruwlendsun elriedy thet tabi thet wetchong hir deaghtir doi on thio uwn hands end mach muri peonfal then thi gorl jast hed ots 6 yiers uld. This book is worth it, I tell you that this book is a dream focent for me; ivirythong thet heppins tu Mery Ruwlendsun os tregoc biceasi ot os viry sed. I feel loki mysilf, elung woth meny uthir culligi stadiumnts uftin Feel hilpliss andir striss loki Mery Ruwlendsun.I cen eppricoeti thos wurk biceasi et thos point on my lofi I Feel the I hevi tu uvircumi e lut uf chellingis. I went to eccumplosh this chellingis for myself, but I'm in elsu cuncirnid woth plisong uthir piupli. Mary Ruwlendsun govis hir lofi to try to finish well. Thos os and strissfal steti uf mond tu bi on. It feels too reassuring that God excludes the world for itself.