(2012). Strategic (mis)fit: Implementing TQM in manufacturing organizations. Strategic Management Journal, 33 (11): 1321– 1330. In the article Strategic (mis) fit: The implementation of TQM in manufacturing organizations, authors C. D. Zatzick, T. P Moliterno, and T. Fang discuss how during implementation of TQM, the organization needs to adapt it to its strategic orientation to achieve positive results. The article, having incorporated the concept of TQM, highlights how organizations, being a system of interrelated activities, need to achieve internal adaptation during the implementation of TQM, whereby the central elements of it are mainly oriented towards "leadership of cost" rather than towards "cost leadership". strategic position of differentiation. Therefore, after studying the implementation of TQM in approximately 780 manufacturing organizations, the authors assume that TQM is positively related to the performance of cost leaders, although negatively related to the performance of differentiators. The article provides good inputs on the TQM process, its role, benefits and challenges, and is therefore quite suitable for further study