India continues to be dominated by traditional media such as television, print and radio. Specifically, television and newspapers currently account for over 80% of advertising revenues. The media and entertainment sector is expected to grow 11.8% to $14.79 billion in 2013, according to projected estimates. Ideally, we would like to introduce Full Throttle through conventional media channels of television and print. Advertising in our target age demographic would tend to lean more heavily on television and shows aimed at the 18-35 age group. As we have seen in previous articles, Internet access and growth in India is something we need to be keenly aware of. Currently, around 10-15% of the country has the ability to access the Internet. The number however is staggering with 190 million users. We noticed that over half of users connect via smartphone. Digital media advertising grew rapidly in the years between 2005 and 2012; from just over 1% of total advertising spend to 7%, a much more formidable figure (IBEF, ...