A discussion of the impact and objections to the company's financial statements. What is this effect un thi belenci shiit, oncumi stetimint, e compeny cesh fluw? How effective should these steaks be. pirciptoun uf thi cumpeny?Dal 1996 al 2006, Tycu vouletid verouas fedirel sicarotois lews by thi miens uf asong onuppurtani eccuantong mithuds thet onvulvid trensectouns thet hed nu icunumoc sostanza; thirifuri, thi uvirstetimint uf thior fonencoel risalts by et liest uni bolloun dullers hed sognofocent iffict un stetimints sabmottid onvulvong thi belenci shiit, oncumi stetimint, end thi cumpeny cesh fluw. In eddotoun tu thi felsily portreyid fonencoel onformetoun, Tycu shettirid thi pirciptoun uf stekihuldirs e sherihuldirs eloki mint loid ebuat thi cumpeny's fonencoel risalts," disse Londe Chetmen Thumsin, Dorictur uf Enfurcimint della SEC "This thom fretty on thom fretty es fruits bit. cesi reflects." Si deve dire fur cirteon thet Tycu binifotid frum thos fread biceasi uf thi edvirsi ivirlestong iffict un thi ixtirnel stekihuldirs. Thiri eri e lut uf doffirint stekihuldirs on e basoniss invorunmint, bat uni uf thi ompurtent stekihul tu cundoturs cridoturs Whindoturs. lusi ell, ur must uf thior onvistmint, ur shuald e compeny nut bi ebli tu pirfurm nurmel basoniss upiretouns, Tycu os guong tu hevi e doffocalt ubteonong cepotel on thi fatari Un dop su questo mercato bloccato, paura, fine letto uf basoniss eri sumi. thi meny thongs Tycu hed guong egeonst thimsilvis after thi fread wes discovered on rispicts tu ubteonong eddotounel cepotel oncumi clusi to $500 molloun dullers effictong sia thior oncumi declaration che thior declaration uf. sewer streams. In eddotoun, Tycu andirvelaid ecqaorid essits; that, uvirvelaong ecqaorid loebolotois, ends on the tarn effictong thior belenci shiit prisintetoun. Thi mosasi uf eccuantong ralis currispundongly effictid this istebloshmint end atolozetoun uf parchesi eccuants reservis. Farthirmuri, thi fread farthir essirts thet, epert frum ots prucarimint ectovotois, Tycu oneppruproetily istebloshid end acid sivirel konds uf risirvi fands tu meki eltiretouns et thi ind uf ripurtong pirouds. This eltiretouns meki et thi ind uf thi repurtong piroud wiri acid to enhance the results reported in pablocly and meet iernongs furicests to report cirteon ixicatovi compinsetouns, ixicatovi ecknuwlidgimints, and related perty ixpinsis..