Topic > Transformation of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,...

Issue: Mr. Nakamura needs to decide which action plans to pursue for the rest of the year (i.e., the "Value Creation 21" and the 5 emergency measures ) Learning from Morishita's experiences, Mr. Nakamura should consider the following critical factors:1. Full collaboration of top management in implementing the plan. Mr. Nakamura's plan will fail if he never gains the full cooperation of MEI's entire management team. To gain cooperation, he must be able to get management to fully understand and believe in the principles of his plans, as the senior management team will act as the implementers of the plan. He will also be the one who guides employees in the direction they want to go. With management having a clear objective, confusion among employees is avoided. This would also avoid any sabotage or complacency resulting from compliant attitudes on the part of some managers. Mr. Morishita faced many opposing parties, especially from the division's powerful executives. This led him to give up on his plan because he could not carry it out, as the executors would not implement it. I believe that Mr. Otsubo, who is responsible for renovating the current production system in Kadoma, sabotaged the entire process. I believe that Mr. Otsubo made sure that the physical production system was changed as efficiently as possible so that nothing could be said about it not following through or its performance being affected because it was done very quickly and efficient. However, I think he intentionally ignored the need for staff training with the system change to demonstrate that the plan will fail. It is impossible that Mr Otsubo, who made "an all-out effort to implement the change" and is supposed to be a "highly capable and experienced factory manager", neglected such a basic task that should be done.