It is believed that photography became widely available to the public only when the Kodak Eastman Company introduced the box-shaped Brownie Camera in 1900. (Baker, np) Its features have become more refined since its original introduction on the market; one of the reasons why it is considered the birth of public photography is processing. Using a similar image capture system, the Brownie exposed light to a roll of 120mm film, which could be wound, meaning six photographs could be taken before the slides had to be removed. The first Brownie used a six-exposure cartridge that Kodak developed for the photographer. (, n.d.) Realistically, armor photographers didn't need to understand darkroom processes, they could simply capture subjects and send them to development. The cameras were relatively affordable and appealed to many different markets, as is evident from their advertisements. Figure 2 is an advertisement for the Eastman Kodak Company's Brownie Camera; It states in bold letters "Operated by any school boy or girl", emphasizing that it was intended for amateur use. Figure 2. Eastman Kodak Company Advertisement (undated) Leica introduced a 35mm small format camera in 1925. This smaller camera revolutionized the way photographers could carry their cameras, as they could photograph discreetly in all situations . (, np) Leica is considered a premium brand camera, well built and precise, ensuring that the images created are of quality. Leica, which is still a camera manufacturer, has photo galleries in Frankfurt, Los Angeles, New York, Salzburg and Tokyo, alternating exhibitions of work captured by Magnum photographers. But from here, the 3… middle of the paper… quality and focal ranges, meaning the camera can calculate the appropriate settings, which used to be a polite process. Mary Price commented in her 1994 novel The Photograph: A Strange, Confined Space that the image is a product of the photographer. The photographer takes into account all kinds of decisions to formulate the result, he writes: “The camera can be considered comparable to the eye. The difference is that the camera is nothing more than an eye. He doesn't think. Any connection to judging, choosing, organizing, including, excluding, and shooting must happen with the photographer.” (Price;1994.4)In many ways, the camera is an eye, both of which collect information, which is then transformed into a visual image by other components. He confidently states that the camera cannot think, making it solely the photographer's job.