Topic > Borderline Personality Disorder - 1029

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) first got its name because researchers thought it was in the middle of psychotic illnesses and neurotic disorders (“Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorders” , 2010). Scientists believe that there is a direct correlation between the receptors in the brain responsible for the transmission of “opioids” and the behaviors demonstrated by people suffering from this disorder (Bandelow, B; Schmahi, C; Falki, P; Wedekind, D., 2010, pp 623-636). Symptoms of bipolar disorder include “interpersonal hypersensitivity, fear of being left alone, self-injurious behavior, and extremely impulsive behavior” (Gunderson, John, 2011, pp. 2037-2042). Symptoms of the disorder usually present around early adulthood, especially in women (Biskin, R. & Paris, J., 2012, p. 1789). The disorder can be treated with multiple methods, the most common of these methods is "psychopharmacological" treatment, which combines drugs and group therapy (Ripoll, Luis, 2013). Borderline personality disorder can disrupt a person's life with constant fear of abandonment, suicidal behavior, and erratic behavior; however it can be fought with drugs and group therapy. Where does borderline personality come from? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V, the disorder is 50% more common in primary relatives than in the general population (American Psychiatry Association, 2013, p. 665). People who have a family member with borderline personality are 65% more likely to develop the disorder (Gunderson, John, 2011). Detecting the disorder is difficult because no machine can detect any differences in the brain (Biskin, R. & Paris, J., 2012). The onset of symptoms occurs within the first years of adulthood... half of the article ......personality disorder: a dysregulation of the endogenous opioid system? Psychological review. 117(2), 623-636.Biskin, Robert & Paris, Joel. (November 6, 2012). Diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Canadian Medical Association. 184(16), 1789-1793.Gunderson, John G. (26 May 2011). Borderline personality disorder. The New England Journal of Medicine. 364(21), 2037-2042. Mental illness. (November 2012). National Alliance on Mental Illness. Retrieved from, Luis H. (2012, June). Psychopharmacological treatment of borderline personality disorder. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. 15(2), 213-224. Treatment of borderline personality disorder. (June 2010). Harvard Health Publications. The Harvard Mental Health Letter.