IntroductionThis research report presents an analysis and conclusions drawn from the experiences and perspectives of two educators working in the early childhood context. The main objective is to identify key elements and issues related to families, diversity and difference. Specifically, how an early childhood educator implements different approaches to honoring culture and diversity and advocating for social justice in early childhood settings. As such, it provides a better understanding of the important role that families and their backgrounds play in the daily lives of children and educators in early childhood settings. In today's ever-changing society it is essential that educators are flexible to diversity and differences with today's families. Gaining insight into how educators view and address these important elements will allow readers to understand that diversity and social justice are not only intertwined in today's education system but also in educators themselves. Literature Review There is a significant body of literature in this area: reflecting families, diversity, difference, culture and values in today's society and the role that early childhood educators have to play in today's society. It is evident that these areas need to be understood in order to process the data within this research report. The first key element is families, families are considered much more complex than one might think and in today's society there is no universal way of having a family (Robinson & Diaz, 2006). Educators recognize that families are children's first and most significant connection to the world around them. Respect for the family and its behaviors is essentially the fundamental element... at the heart of the paper... schoolFrom parents to partners, building a family-centered early childhood program: Redleaf Press.Richardson, C. (2014) . Respecting diversity: Articulating early childhood practices Retrieved from, K., & Diaz, C.J. (2006). Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education: McGraw-Hill Companies, Incorporated. Schools World TV (producer). (n.d.). Howard Gardner - Future Minds. Retrieved from Early Childhood Association. (2014). Valuing diversity for young children., F. (2006). Diversity in early childhood programs. NEWS on early childhood - Article Reading Center.