The article I used for this is "People Who Make You Fat" by Laura Beil. I found this article on April twenty-first. It refers to epidemiology because it deals with the causes of weight gain and potential obesity. The article states that stressful relationships can make people gain weight as well as being toxic to people's patience and mental health. The article refers to a study that monitored more than three thousand adults whose ages ranged from thirty to forty. Through they study; researchers found that those who had been in more “negative relationships” had gained more stomach fat over a fifteen-year period than those who had not (Beil, 2014). The study defined negative relationships by asking how often friends, family, co-workers, etc. disappointed them, criticized them, made ridiculous demands, or simply made them nervous. He explains that unhealthy, stressful relationships make people gain weight because one of the body's natural reactions to stress is to eat. Beil mentions that previous studies that suggested a link between ...