Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World, showcases an alternative world to our own, a dystopian setting. Where human morals are drastically altered, families, love, history and art are removed by government. They have used multiple methods to control people, but no method in the world state is more used and more effective than propaganda. The world state has heavily implemented the use of propaganda to control, establish morality and condition the minds of every citizen in its world. However, such uses of propaganda have already been used in our world and even at this very moment. The way the media influences us on how to think or how we should feel about a certain situation. It often covers up the truth and hides the facts. One of the goals of propaganda is to align people's mindsets with the goal of a current power, such as a It's hard to think this is true, but if we are subjected to this every day, then what should we do if one day we don't we find more controlled by propaganda. The diversity of our beliefs would trap us, divide us, and ultimately end us. Aldous Huxley might also tell us that we need control at some level where we don't feel it, but rather live with it to the right extent where we don't notice it and let it control us. But because it may spiral out of control, our human instinct for freedom may contradict our own need for control. Brave New World argues that everyone should be happy, thus conditioning people to believe they are happy and keep it that way by any means necessary even by eliminating history, hence the Mustapha Mond quote “History is nonsense.” In the world of propaganda you either control or you are controlled. In Brave New World, even the controllers are controlled to the point that they do not stray from the path set by their predecessors. It's like it's part of their culture, and the way they grew up had it