Charlotte persists in the fight to save her friend's life. My hero shows friendship. Charlotte shows true friendship by giving Wilbur words of encouragement. Not only does he work tirelessly to save his friend, but he helps him deal with the depressing relativity that Wilbur is dealing with. Charlotte also encourages others to support Wilbur as only a true friend will. Charlotte shows her morality. Most heroes are mortal and when a story clearly shows that all heroes will demonstrate their most heroic efforts in the face of death. Charlotte delivers her final message to the fair in the face of her impending death to save a life. Just when the 9/11 firefighters rushed into the condemned Word Trade Center to save lives without regard for their own, they were true heroes, our hero continues to work to save her friend until the moment of her death. (Horwitz, 2002) Charlotte uses both persuasion and advocacy to save her friend. Charlotte is a one-spider propaganda machine. Charlotte knows that words are one of the most powerful weapons or tools for change. "After all, what is life? We're born, we live a little, we die. A spider's life can't help but be a bit of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, maybe I was Trying to liven up my life a little. Heaven knows anyone's life can take a little'