If the heterochronic elements gathered together constitute one of the main components of the altermodern, the wandering spirit of the artist is its complementary part. He is a wanderer, an individual in search of "something", seeking to discover a higher meaning or simple, absurd facts, woven with threads of fantasy or past experiences. Throughout modernism, referring to the changes that began in the Renaissance, the artist always looked towards "something" to discover. Nowadays, times have changed: there are no patterns, no rules about what is allowed or not; everything is allowed and this is the only rule to follow. (Galaasi, 2010) The choices are there to be made and the artist can choose any path, the only observation of this path is that he always undertakes a journey. Everything is available: information, archives, speed, movement, communication. This is the era of charter flights, cheap mobile phone costs, large archived databases available online, and social media sites. They are all there to be accessible and this creates a new need to relate to a different option, which has not been taken for granted. Therefore, the ultimate tool of the ancient masters, wandering or the action of walking to discover new realities, can be considered as the missing link that can provide fulfillment. The alter-modern artist is by definition nomadic (Bourriaud, 2009a), in the sense that his sense of belonging to a place is attenuated as the nomad is a person in continuous movement, the itineraries undertaken complete him. This characteristic is formed when the place of his origins can no longer fulfill him and offer him a sense of fulfillment. However, in a world where intermediate discrepancies... half of the document......20web/WNL%20contents.htm-Accessed November 2010Bate, David, 2005, After Postmodernism?, Essayhttp://www. lensculture.com/bate1.html - Accessed November 26, 2010 Eshelman, Raoul, Performatism, or the End of Postmodernism, Anthropoetics 6, no. 2 (Fall 2000 / Winter 2001) http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0602/perform.htm - Accessed October 29, 2010 http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/karl-shapiroThe Collected Works of Eric Voegelin : Published Essays, 1966-1985 By Eric Voegelin, Ellis Sandoz http://books.google.com/books?id=5qebtKOVjJUC&pg=PA221&lpg=PA221&dq=Every+single+man+is+but+a+blind+link+in+the+ catena+of+absolute+necessity+for+which +the+world+builds+if same+forward+(+sich+fortbildet+).+Th&source=bl&ots=TEpqIFxfJz&sig=jDKxs_rxzTnPTJunS1ZtLyHxolQ&hl=en&ei=jQU4TeuVFMTPhAfW15zGCg&sa=X&oi=book_re sult&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBoQ6AEwAQ #v=one page&q&f=false