Topic > Human - 792

What does it mean to be human? What is the definition of human? Is there an afterlife? If so, then how is the afterlife structured? Questions about what makes a person human have constantly hung in the air since the conception of man. Concepts on the subject range from the existence of a deity, to the development of morality, or the simple notion that our deoxyribonucleic acid contains a defined sequence that makes us a species. Is it how we operate within society that determines who we are? What does it mean to be human? The humanity of humanity is based solely on your interpretation. To establish a foundation of what it means to be human, you must first define it. To be human is to have or show compassion or benevolence. However, the simple definition of such a broad word imposes absolutely nothing. Maybe being human simply means respecting the invisible social code. It could be argued that human interaction is not what causes humans to develop consciousness. This statement is what justifies humanity's inability to be defined. During his journey through hell, Dante is tempted by the souls to assist them in their cause. However, he is constantly reminded that if he does so, he too will be trapped for eternity in Hell. There is an obvious sense of compassion carried forward by Dante towards other beings, but he consistently refuses to act out his predicament. Since he didn't act, is he considered human? This can only be determined by the reader's definition of a human being. The definition of humane states that you must demonstrate a sense of compassion or benevolence. Benevolence is defined as an act of kindness or an inclination to be kind. In... middle of the paper... “The Stranger”, Albert Camus, has a famous quote about life: “You will never live if you seek the meaning of life”. The interpretation of humanity comes from the fact that there are different types of people. Some people simply follow the path of least resistance and live for no apparent reason. It's as if they live to die. The bright side is that there are people who actually want to advance in society and potentially allow society to improve along the way. In my opinion, these people are human. They are the saviors of society. They understand that they are not immortal. So they must have some reason to be alive. As a result they decide not only to progress, but they decide to allow society to advance as well. In my opinion it is as if they were a sort of heroes that I would certainly define as human.