They are in our care for such a short time; therefore, do not neglect them during their formative years, when they need their parents the most. When Absalom was a young boy, King David was busy with state affairs and disappointed his son. Then, when Absalom became a man, David realized that raising a son right has “no next time,” but must be done in the season of opportunity. Every stone that fell into that pit on Absalom's broken body was a stone thrown on David's heart. We are in the autumn of opportunity when it comes to winning back the careless and negligent church member; those who are out of fellowship with Christ and His church. It's easy to drift away and if we don't act quickly, it may be too late to recover them. The Holy Spirit says, “It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, having known it, to turn back from the holy commandments which were delivered to them.” (II Peter 2: