Being rich can become a lifestyle for them, they don't see wealth as something bad. It can become an attachment for them, making them obsessed with the idea of becoming richer. At the same time, being wealthy gives them the ability to be kind and help others in their community who are not as wealthy. Buddhists do not disapprove of wealth as long as it is earned honestly and used to help the community. According to one article, “Buddhist tradition encourages charity particularly towards the monastic community, in order to obtain spiritual merit for future life.” (Buddism on Wealth, 2015) Buddhists have a great sense of belief in poverty. They believe that poverty is causing the greatest effects on the world we live in. Buddhists, people try to use their wealth to lend a hand where help is needed, whenever it is needed. Even though some people were richer than others, they became richer honestly and did not become greedy