At this point in the work, the author relies almost completely on hypothetical situations to persuade his audience. In this final section titled "The Fat Society: A Utopia", Schwartz claims that the fat society would solve problems regarding related areas such as obsession with food and fashion for those who are overweight. Next, he states that society would solve clearly unrelated issues, including patriarchy, pornography, and greed (Schwartz 183-185). Strangely, Schwartz provides not the slightest evidence or rationale to justify his belief that his hypothetical company would succeed in eradicating these problems. Even more disconcerting than this lack of justification, however, is the clear contradiction introduced along with fat society. Throughout the piece, Schwartz advocates for acceptance and equality of obese and overweight people, also stating that "fat people and thin people would be on a level playing field" in fat society; however, the tone and content of the section on fat society suggests supremacy rather than equality. From the beginning of the section, when Schwartz states that the fat society would be one that would “admire and reward fat,” he continually implies that those who are overweight and obese would not only be seen as equal, but as superior (Schwartz 183). . A contradiction of this nature diminishes Schwartz's whole