Topic > Being a Christian Student: Being a Christian College…

Reading shapes the way a college student thinks and broadens his or her understanding in a variety of topics. Books and articles not only help teach information, but provide channels to connect with other people. The books invite conversation with intellectual friends and teachers, offering the Christian student the opportunity to further deepen his or her awareness of the topics he or she wishes to understand. As God calls His followers to build relationships with others on earth, books become a tool for following His teachings. As Stanley Hauerwas (13) says: “To a large extent, becoming an educated person means adding many layers to your relationships.” A Christian college student must understand that to get the most out of this practice, he or she must pay attention to what he or she is reading. “If reading is to do more than pass the time, it must be active” (Adler 299). By engaging the thoughts and ideas captured by the author and studying the content, a Christian student can enhance their learning experience in myriad ways. Reading is an essential practice for a Christian college student, and as Stanley Hauerwas (14) states, “Books are touchstones, common points of reference. They are the water our minds are in