Topic > Advertisement Essay - 753

An advertisement is an advertisement or notice that promotes a service, product, or event (Curtis). Simply put, advertising is an informational notice and its primary purpose is to inform and persuade the public to purchase a product, make a donation to an organization and/or attend an event. Advertisements can be in any form, such as a graphic, sign, symbol, script, audio, or video. They are usually found on billboards, in newspapers, magazines, on television, on the radio, on websites, in blogs and even in public and private places. Advertisements are also known as advertisements or commercials. Advertising could also be a means of income as some companies like Facebook and Twitter make money by placing advertisements on their web page (Clarke). Advertising often convinces consumers to buy their product. The word advertising originally comes from the French word ad vertere which means to turn towards (“to advertise”). Formally, advertising can be said to have begun in 4000 BC (“The History of Advertising”). But it was only from the late 19th century to the early 20th century that the volume of advertisements began to grow exponentially. The total volume of advertising in the United States jumped from nearly $200 million in 1880 to about $3 billion in 1920. After the Industrial Revolution, in the 1880s, companies ranging from clothing to soaps to cigarettes invented numerous advertising production techniques that they would convince buyers to purchase their product (“American Advertising: A Brief History.”). Advertising is expensive. Some companies spend up to $2.6 million for a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl (Rosehill). The effects of some advertisements could be very influential and positive. Advertising is not only used by private companies but also by government bodies and non-profits… at the heart of the paper… people become victims of false advertising or misleading advertising (Berkers). Advertising is significant and necessary because it informs the consumer about the existence of a product. Without advertising, it would be very difficult for consumers to find a product that is right for them. But it is also very important to control your emotions towards an ad and reconsider the advertiser's claims. Advertising not only informs people about new products or events but also convinces people to buy their product. The consumer must be able to determine the veracity of an advertisement's claims and therefore make the decision whether or not to purchase a product. Often, advertisements seduce the minds of consumers and consumers fail to control the innocent and emotional reaction towards the advertisement and become victims of misleading advertisements..