Topic > Realism and the presence of God are a crucial part of everything…

Belief in the supernatural is a viable topic for realistic theatre. The goal of realistic theater is to bring real life to the stage, so why should the theme of the supernatural be excluded from a real-life performance? People around the world of all different religions believe that a supernatural power exists in the natural world. The supernatural world may not be tangible, but it is still a valuable subject in reality and on stage. Belief in the supernatural is an everyday topic for many human beings. Why should a faithful representation of life leave out this topic? Belief in the supernatural presence of God is a practical topic in realistic theater because it is a common part of real everyday life, it connects with the teachings of Stanislavski's “inner truth” and because it is represented through the characters of Anton Chekhov, an eminent writer of realism. Realism uses sensitive issues such as hypocrisy or failed marriages to show the audience real life. It sought to make morality and immortality indistinguishable and to dramatize sensitive topics such as religion and belief (Wilson & Goldfarb 416). Realism is an invitation to the theme of the spiritual world because these themes could not be addressed without staging the questions of faith and the supernatural God. Even when you look closely at the subject, it is still making a place for itself in realistic theatre. The teachings of Stanislavski, a pioneer of the realism movement in theater, in a certain sense, promote faith and the supernatural. The book The Living Theatre, by Edwin Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb is a history book that investigates many important movements in theater such as realism. When discussing Stanislavski's goals for actors it is stated that an ac... means of paper... is part of reality for many characters in realist theatre. There is a place for God in realistic theatre, among the characters, the actors and the scripts. It is an important aspect of realism because belief in a supernatural God is an aspect of man and his daily life. For a theater that reflects “real life, it is unthinkable not to incorporate faith in the supernatural. Works CitedChekhov, Anton Pavlovich. Uncle Vanya. Google Books. Forgotten books. Network. 03 February 2011. q&f=falseThe Bible. New living translation. Network. 03 February 2011. Wilson, Edwin and Alvin Goldfarb. Living Theatre: a history. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Print.