It will also allow companies involved to sue nation-states if they pass laws that will negatively impact their production, such as environmental regulations. This agreement gives companies an exceptional amount of power, which will be used to exploit workers living in these countries, and will benefit the companies involved as much as possible. While some believe that this is nothing more than a free trade agreement that will benefit all parties involved, there is no doubt that the proletariats of these countries will face exploitation with the ratification of the TPP, the citizens will benefit from it (TPP “worst trade” deal ever reached,” says Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, 2016). The TPP will simply benefit only the bourgeoisie involved in the deal, and is structured in such a way that multinationals will will benefit, while others will benefit. Due to the capitalist nature of this free trade agreement, it is very likely that many Marxists would not support the agreement, which they normally would.