Topic > CS Lewis Works - 973

CS Lewis was a celebrated academic in the field of medieval literature, first at Oxford University, then at Cambridge, where he held the first chair of medieval and Renaissance literature. He was also a well-known convert to Christianity who established himself as a popular Christian apologist in the 1940s with a series of wartime radio addresses, later collected under the title Mere Christianity (1952). Between 1938 and 1945 he wrote a trilogy of science fiction books (the Space Trilogy, consisting of Out of the Silent Planet, 1938; Perelandra, 1943; and That Hideous Strength: A Modern Fairy Tale for Grownups, 1945) with underlying Christian themes . . In the early 1950s he was still unmarried and lived with his brother, an elderly widow and her daughter. It is perhaps surprising, then, that Lewis is best known to those who are not academics as a children's writer. The seven novels in his fantasy series, the Chronicles of Narnia, have remained consistent best sellers since their publication and have inspired numerous films and television series. Although the children evacuated from London remained in her home in Oxford during the Second World War, the main inspiration for the stories came from memories of her childhood reading, as recounted in her autobiography, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life ( 1955). ), as well as some recurring images he had had, some for many years. Lewis had once complained to his colleague JRR Tolkien (a fellow Oxford Christian academic and later author of the Lord of the Rings series) about the lack of stories he had enjoyed as a boy. Such books included the animal stories of Beatrix Potter and the children's stories of E. Nesbit. The only solution, in their opinion, was to write such stories themselves....... middle of paper... transformed by meeting Aslan in the first. Eustace and Jill Pole are unhappy students at a boarding school and in The Silver Chair they must save a lost prince. The Horse and His Boy does not involve any time travel, being set during the reign of the Pevensie in the neighboring countries of Calormen and Archenland. This chronicle is still about a lost prince, rightly restored. Prince Caspian and The Last Battle involve miraculous interventions when the rightful young ruler is usurped and Narnia seems lost. In the latter, Narnia is in fact over, as Aslan steps in to summarize the Narnian universe, then brings those who recognize him to a celestial Narnia, which joins a new earth. In fact, all humans who enter Narnia, aside from Susan Pevensie, enter this new Narnia/earth, because on earth they were all killed at the same time in a train wreck..