Such agreements include the price preferences as well as the tastes and preferences of those customers. You complain about the problems you have with the process of remembering the tastes and preferences of your various customers. The solution to this problem is as simple as studying your most repeat customers and taking note of their preferred styles, as well as the employees they would prefer to work with based on their needs. The best way to achieve this is through the use of a questionnaire whose primary objective is to discover the required information (Bourgeois, 2013). For customers who come in, you need to provide questionnaires for them to answer and provide answers to use during subsequent visits. Those who schedule appointments online can also use online modes to fill out such questionnaires. It is important to provide online bookers with IDs that can help group them based on their responses to the questionnaires. It is important for online customers to respond to their booking request using the materials and employees they prefer as well as instructions relating to their lifestyle.