How is the magazine distributed?5. Are there any special themes or sections planned for the year? We also recommend that you find out if you can get a discount on each of your ads if you agree to run them in more than one issue. Note in each publication whether there are companies that target the same readers as you. If they advertise in that publication consistently, they are most likely getting a great return on their investment and you will too. And finally, to really find out if advertising in any publication will be cost-effective, you'll want to do some quick calculations to determine your CPM, or cost per thousand. Let's say a magazine has a circulation of 40,000 and the rate for a full-page ad is $850. You would simply divide $850 by 40 to arrive at the CPM, which in this case would be $21.25. This means that advertising in this magazine would cost you $21.25 to reach every thousand visitors. Some of our happiest moments are when clients suddenly realize they can afford to advertise in a magazine, then see great success with their campaigns. Just because your business is small and local doesn't mean you can't leverage the power of print advertising just like big national brands do. By doing a little homework first and asking the right questions, you can place your ad in a publication that reaches your target demographic and works within your