NOTHING REMAINS THE SAME Change is a constant feature of contemporary society and much of it appears to be stimulated by the rapid and continuous development and use of information and communication technologies (TIC). This is certainly true regarding information professions, as ICTs change the way information is collected, processed, communicated, stored, retrieved and even interpreted, effectively creating different understandings of three constituent elements of information work: information containers (documents); the means through which they can be communicated; and the tools used to manage them. One of the most significant recent technological developments is that of digital libraries (DL), which have provided LIS educators with the opportunity to reconceptualize and retheorize their academic area, as well as assist in rejuvenating and enhancing professional practice. What are DLs and how are they different from traditional libraries or even from "digital repositories", from "digital curation" and from "digital archives"? It is agreed that the term "digital library" remains unclear and contested and still has a variety of potential meanings ranging from "database" to "a digitized collection of material" similar to what one might find in a traditional library. The most frequently cited and used definition is the one developed by the Digital Library Federation (DLF): Digital libraries are organizations that provide the resources, including specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access, interpret, distribute, preserve integrity of, and guarantee the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are easily and economically available...... in paper media ......people are able to find information and use it. We do not understand the social implications of a world in which information is distributed almost without institutions. What does this mean for universities, for education, for publishers? (Lesk, 1997, p. 5). There is no doubt that the general public now has access to a much greater amount of information (from the Internet, in particular) than has ever been possible before, to the point that many think that information was invented by the Internet. Whether people always find what they want, whether the information they find is of the best quality, whether they understand the information they retrieve and what they do with the information once they locate it, are all questions that remain largely unanswered, together to that of Lesk. important question that he asked more than ten years ago, but which will be considered here.