Advantages of making Chinese courses compulsory China has about a fifth of the world's population and is currently the world's second largest economy. Hawaii is one of the most popular tourist spots among Chinese people, and 94% of products imported into the United States are made in China. In an increasingly competitive business world, the Chinese language has become a business tool for companies of all kinds to venture into the Chinese business sector and achieve business success. Accordingly, schools in the United States should make Chinese language classes mandatory for students in order to prepare interested students to venture into the Chinese business sector, to create jobs for unemployed Americans and benefit American businesses. Being bilingual in Chinese is beneficial to individuals. Unlike any other language, being bilingual in Chinese will enable people to venture into business in China as Chinese companies are looking for supervisory workers who will benefit their businesses through their foreign knowledge. Abroad, the Chinese dominate economies through massive export markets by linking up with US companies. For example, analysts estimated that Chinese exports increased from 2.1% to 13.2%, with a median projection of 7%. The median estimate of the trade surplus was $21.2 billion. The Chinese economic empire is one of the United States' largest trading partners. China is emerging from a period of stagnation with an average growth rate of 10% per year. They create most products what is normal for people today, such as iPhone, iPad and other cheap product technologies that seem weak. Lots of paper tools, textbooks, structured audio programs, or watching Chinese movies etc. they are ways that students can use to learn the language. As a result, schools across the United States such as Waipahu High School should make Chinese language classes mandatory for students in order to prepare interested students to venture into the Chinese business sector, create jobs for unemployed Americans, and benefit American businesses. Hawaii is one of the most popular tourist places to visit and most of the products purchased by the community are "Made in China". It also expands or broadens students' minds about language, culture, industry, politics, people and much more. This concludes that schools should make it mandatory for students to take Chinese language lessons because they can benefit society, community, businesses and most importantly themselves..