No, a union cannot waive its right to bargain regarding mandatory bargaining topics. If a union refuses to bargain on a mandatory bargaining topic, the union is violating collective bargaining activities governed by the National Labor Relations Act (SHRM, 2012). The National Labor Relations Board along with federal courts have the authority to determine which issues require mandatory subject matter bargaining. In the United States, the Supreme Court has identified two criteria that must be met to determine whether an issue is considered a mandatory subject of bargaining. They are as follows; “whether it is “clearly relevant to the work environment”, and “is not among the managerial ones”. The employer was a grocery store, Kroger. Even though it was a part-time position during college, the union was offered to both full-time and part-time Kroger employees. Employees pay a certain amount from each paycheck to become a member of the union. Employees are not required to participate in the union. If an employee wants to learn more about the union, a representative usually meets with the employee and discusses how much dues are and how much comes out of each paycheck along with the benefits of being a member of the union. The representative also informs the worker what the union can and cannot do. As a member of this union, there were several areas that needed improvement and/or recommendations. As a union member you may be able to discuss these issues with your union representative. You may want to speak to the union representative when they come into your store or by phone or email. All discussions with the union representative were confidential. This union often helped resolve disputes between employees and the employer. These usually involved working conditions, grievance procedures, or disputes over wages and benefits. There were positives and negatives to being part of a union. At times it seemed like the union was taking employees' money and not standing up for employees and there were times when employees could say that the union was working in their best interests and to help union members feel secure against unfair treatment or unsatisfactory work related