"So God created man in his image, he created him in the image of God...". (Genesis 1:27). This verse, found at the very beginning of the Bible, reveals an interesting characteristic of humanity. People often read this verse and take its meaning literally. They think we physically resemble God; however, that is not what this verse is trying to convey. Being made in the image of God speaks more to our spirit and nature as human beings. We are created in the image of God, because we are to fulfill the plans and dreams that God has given to each of us as individuals. Because we are made in the image of God, we possess attributes that reflect God and his character. We can develop a better idea of who God is by looking at the human person and analyzing the characteristics common to human beings. These characteristics, however distorted they may be, probably reveal something about the nature of God. The first thing we can learn about God by observing His reflection in human beings is that He is rational. We as people have the ability to reason and develop arguments in defense of positions or ideas that we care about. Our parents, teachers, and other adults have taught us the importance of understanding our position and being able to defend it using personal facts and experiences. These personal experiences connect faith with reason. Once we have experienced something, we expect to get the same or similar results every time we encounter a similar situation. We believe this will happen based on belief in the desired or normal outcome, and we reason that this will happen because of our basic knowledge of why that outcome usually occurs. This concept is quite complex, which makes it almost impossible to be … middle of paper … the woman ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, causing sin, destruction, and death. The distortion brought about by the fall makes it more difficult to discern the attributes of God that humans possess, but not entirely impossible. The fact that humans have the ability to reason and can rationally understand the things they have faith in speaks to the idea that God is rational. If God is rational, there must be a reason why He created people to live in community, to know, and to love. God as Trinity is reflected in humans through our need for community. The fact that we seek knowledge and love shows that God must also love and know his creation. When we look at creation with the idea that human beings are made in the image of God, we begin to realize that sometimes our distortions give us a better perspective of who God is and where we fit in the order of creation..