Topic > Unocal - 852

Unocal is an oil company that found itself faced with an ethical dilemma. The owners and managers of this company wanted to invest money in the Yadana project and made huge profits. They knew that the government of the country where the project was taking place violated the human rights of the local population. Unocal had evidence of these actions, but decided to invest money in this project. To determine whether their actions were ethical or not, we must look at this issue from four different perspectives: utilitarian, rights, justice, and ethics of care. According to Velasquez, utilitarianism is “a general term for any view that holds that actions and policies should be evaluated based on the benefits and costs they will impose on society” (Velasquez, 2012, p.78). To determine how the company should behave in this situation according to utilitarianism, managers needed to complete four actions:1. Consider all alternatives (invest money or not);2. For each alternative action it was necessary to estimate the direct and indirect benefits and costs that the action would have produced for each person affected by the action;3. For each action they had to subtract the cost from the benefits to determine the net utility of each action;4. The action that produced the greatest total amount of utility must be chosen. The benefits of Unocal's actions included improvements in education, better healthcare, new transportation infrastructure, and opportunities for small businesses, as well as improving Thailand's economy. The harms resulting from their actions included forced labor, relocation of the local population without compensation, torture, murder, and rape. Unocal believed that they provided more benefit than harm to the Burmese people. So, from this… half of the document… justice, rights and ethics of care perspectives. Precisely from a utilitarian point of view, the company acted reasonably and ethically. This shows that Unocal should reconsider their actions and start caring about others, not just their profit. They demonstrated that their actions helped the Burmese population at large (improvements in education, healthcare, new transportation infrastructure, and opportunities for small businesses). But it still didn't help the people who were killed, forced to work and relocated without any compensation. Since Unocal decided to invest money in the Yadana Field project, it has to provide safe working and living conditions to the local population. Works Cited1. Velasquez, M. G. (2012). Business ethics: concepts and cases. Boston, MA. Pearson.2. Dictionary. (n.d.). Justice. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from