What are your thoughts, views, reflections and experiences etc. about meditation? Because we can all learn from each other when it comes to sharing ways to create a healthy, happy and vibrant balance between life and work. It is well known and proven that over time the benefits of regular meditation promote the development of inner calm, connection, concentration, flow, clear mental clarity, focused and more stable concentration, along with coherence of thought, greater creativity, being more open and receptive to receiving insights, solutions to problems and new ideas, a centered balance and harmonious inner balance, a relaxed and happy body, mind and spirit, which in turn helps as a preventative tool that creates and maintains good health and well-being overall positive and vibrant. Other key health benefits of meditation include: Reduces oxygen consumption. Respiration rate decreases. increases blood flow and slows heart rate. Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients. It leads to a deeper level of relaxation. It is good for people with high blood pressure...