Topic > Definition of Terrorism - 1071

Introduction There are many different definitions of terrorism. What is terrorism? How do we define it? Why is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter? These are just some of the questions the world faces on a daily basis. There are many challenges the international community faces when it comes to defining terrorism and what it constitutes. This article will explore the challenges scholars face when it comes to labeling terrorism and discuss possible ways to adequately define it. Challenges in Defining Terrorism Finding a correct and well-accepted definition of what constitutes terrorism is extremely difficult. There are many challenges that scholars, experts and ordinary people face when it comes to defining terrorism and terrorists. The different backgrounds and cultures of those who define terror, as well as different histories, are just one of the many challenges facing those who wish to define terror. Furthermore, labeling a group or individual as terrorist could be considered offensive, especially in today's politically correct environment, potentially harming those operating in the political arena. However, on the other hand, labeling someone a terrorist can also serve a political purpose, as in the case of propaganda towards a war effort, or to help define an enemy. However, the main problem resulting from the inability to have a widely accepted definition of terrorism is that “it is impossible to formulate or enforce international agreements against terrorism” (Ganor, 300). The problem with the definitions that are out there is that they are so numerous and vary so widely that it is difficult to determine which is more accurate. Every state, nation and government has its own definition. According to James Rinehart, halfway through the article, the definition must focus on terrorist acts, not just label the actors, and must have a political agenda: a political agenda specific set of claims or demands that are of utmost importance to the actors willing to use terror” (14). Finally, Ganz suggests limiting the definition to include only civilian non-combatants, in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. Its definition is “Terrorism is the international use, or threat to use, violence against civilians or civilian targets in order to achieve political objectives” (294). Conclusion There will always be confusion with the definition of terrorism as long as prejudices and stereotypes remain. . As long as we can move away from stereotypes and focus on real research, only then can we begin to understand the full complexities of terrorism and what it entails..