I have gained knowledge in each of my classes, but the greatest information I have gleaned comes from my Business Competition 109. This course is taught by Professors Crawford, Huston, and Polito in the Hall Saint Francis. The aim of the course is to teach us teamwork skills, small business skills (being able to start one and the ability to run it successfully) and time management as the course is on schedule. The idea of separating students into groups, creating a business plan and presenting the idea to professors and their classmates. At the end of the semester we present the four best companies to local entrepreneurs who will then vote, taking into account profitability, presentation skills and the quality of the business plan. In the business competition I was paired with Tony, Elizabeth, Tyree and Cole. We were five complete strangers and expected to create a winning business. At first we started by just getting to know each other. Our professors had included several days in the program to dedicate to team building activities including e.g...