The library and information centers have undertaken collection management of printed books and now expect challenges in developing the collection of electronic resources (e-resources). Electronic books (e-books) consist of digitized or born-digital printed books, the initial rise of new electronic formats. The increase in the number of e-books, especially in the UK, also brings challenges for publishers and aggregators, the importance of managing and promoting "e-books as a new electronic medium" (Armstrong and Lonsdale 2005). This essay will examine the issues faced related to the management and promotion of e-books. One of the issues to be addressed in e-book management is the selection and acquisition of e-books. Librarians, especially academic ones, must be concerned with the selection and acquisition of new e-books, e-textbooks, and titles associated with student fields and needs. Librarians should be trained to consider e-book needs for distance learning, place students, and select print books to support e-books” (Armstrong and Lonsdale 2009). Acquiring e-books from publishers and aggregators becomes a problem in e-book management. The subscription pricing and business model provides simple methods and “aggregators would be a more attractive option than publishers” (Armstrong, Edwards and Lonsdale 2002). For the writer, e-book aggregators like NetLibrary and Crede Reference provide more advanced access and tools for library, user groups, relevancy information, and PDF or web e-book availability formats. However, e-book subscriptions can be difficult. Libraries want to have “fewer complex models and fair pricing structures” (Ball 2009) and Edwards (2001) summarizes halfway through the paper. It is recommended that stakeholders and the JISC e-BOOK working group (Armstrong and Lonsdale 2005) work together to effectively promote e-book strategies across all libraries. E-book collections are no longer closed entities but widely open to users. Libraries, especially academic ones, should be concerned with selecting e-book references for students and researchers. The issues involved need to be taken into account, including consideration of effective ways of access and promotion. However, “use and licensing conditions vary widely and are not always library-friendly” (Ball 2009). Licensing and bibliographic access still represent crucial challenges for collections management, especially regarding costs and legal deposits. All issues discussed above present literatures and approaches to the problems of managing e-book collections.