“The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of not being loved.” –Mother TeresaA Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris is a novel about Native Americans, narrated by three generations of Indian women; Ida the grandmother, Christine the mother and Rayona. The stories of three people, "who intertwine, unite and merge", build the plot of their relationship. Each of the three strands is a complicated composition of fine lines. There is a hairline that all the locks have in common and gives shape to this braid: loneliness. Throughout the story, loneliness has played a crucial role in each character's life. It is the important cause of the characters' action. It shapes the relationship between mother and daughter. Ultimately, loneliness not only shapes that character, but also influences and causes loneliness in the next generation. The first character who tells her story is Rayona. Being the last generation, she is at the bottom of the well of loneliness. After her parents separate, Rayona lives with Christine, her mother, who routinely changes jobs and moves into the new house. As a result, he never stays at any school long enough to make friends. His life with Christine is also bitter. According to Rayona, Christine doesn't take much care of her. She said: “I try to remember what mum says when she's sentimental and lonely: how he was the best, the only one, why he left me. As they are her positive side, the one that will never leave her like he did. As he did with me." (64) She is disappointed by Christine's care which exists only in her speech. Without friends and a loving family, Rayona suffered from loneliness. When she returns to the reservation with Christine to be with Aunt Ida, Chris ... in the middle of the paper... calms her with the warmth of my body, to support her with the strength of my arms. She didn't expect this from me, and I didn't give it to her." is the unwanted gift. From generation to generation, the thin lines of loneliness twist and knot the braid of this family. It clogs the hairline of this family. Loneliness is a cell that prevents the mother's love from reaching the daughter, leaving her unloved and making her feel alone. This harmful hairline will continuously distort the braid until they realize it I realize that the solution is to face reality again, hold hands and let the truth come out, then the loneliness that has lasted for three generations will disappear. The braid will have the right shape and will bind family members together with love.