None of them were engaging in illegal activities until the situation between the drunk woman and the couple became frenetic and the drunk woman decided to pick up a nail file with intent to harm . The male felt the need to stop the intoxicated female from her attempted aggravated assault, which involved displaying a weapon. Aggravated assault is therefore a crime; the action of the male who decides to act "force with force" is justified by the premise that he has the right to defend himself with physical force. It is smart of him to use force that can cause less harm than the drunken woman's force could have caused him; the use of less harmful force than the attacker's weapon can be justified as self-defense. Enforcement of the "stand-your-ground" law would have allowed the male to continue fighting until he felt safe, as he did not need to leave the nightclub; a couple more punches to the stomach and the disarming of the nail file would most likely have been enough. The male did not “stand his ground” because he decided to leave the nightclub, yet he acted out